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[ Ryujinx PR ] Vulkan, 진동, 새로운 UI 예의주시하고 있는 PR들 링크입니다 궁금하실때마다 사이트 들어가셔서 어느정도 진행되었나 참고하시면 좋을겁니다 1. Vulkan Backend https://github.com/Ryujinx/Ryujinx/pull/2518 Vulkan backend by gdkchan · Pull Request #2518 · Ryujinx/Ryujinx NOTE to AMD users: The last version of their driver that is known to function properly is 21.3.2. You might want to downgrade it if you want to try this without the vertex corruption for now. Overv... github.c.. 2021. 7. 31.
[ RPCS3 PR ] 강제저장 ( SaveStates ) 테스트 #1 | 10478 https://github.com/RPCS3/rpcs3/pull/10478 [WIP][TESTERS NEEDED] Savestates - Test Games portability by elad335 · Pull Request #10478 · RPCS3/rpcs3 Restrictions (most will be lifted as this work progresses): Select libvdec.sprx in firmware libraries setting. (advanced tab) WCB+force cpu blit is recommended for compatibiliy. PSN/Network - O... github.com 1. pcsx2 강제저장( sstates ) 소개 https://youtu.b.. 2021. 7. 17.
[ Ryujinx PR ] 진동( Rumble ) 지원되나? | pr2468 ( Draft ) https://github.com/Ryujinx/Ryujinx/pull/2468 Implement vibrations by mpnico · Pull Request #2468 · Ryujinx/Ryujinx Implements vibrations in Ryujinx. Based on previous PRs #1665 and #1436 and adapted for Miria (#2194) Amplification values are ignored for now, only frequency values are used. Frequency values seem... github.com Ryujinx 에뮬은 해상도 업스케일도 되고 좋은데.. Yuzu에서는 지원하는 진동을 Ryujinx는 지원을 안하죠 그래서 진동.. 2021. 7. 13.