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다크소울3 모드 | 안티치트 Watchdog https://www.nexusmods.com/darksouls3/mods/352?tab=description Dark Souls III PvP Watchdog A tool to help reduce the impact cheaters have on online play. www.nexusmods.com 원문 링크입니다. 제가 쓰는 글보다 훨씬 자세하게 설명되있어요 링크 타고 들어가서 로그인하고 Manual Download - Slow Download 하시면 됩니다 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 다크소울3..
[ RPCS3 ] 데몬즈소울 완흑 / 완백 이벤트 쉽게보기 ( 치트엔진 ) 우선 치트엔진을 다운받습니다 https://www.cheatengine.org/downloads.php Cheat Engine Downloads Read before download: Cheat engine is for educational purposes only. Before you attach Cheat Engine to a process, please make sure that you are not violating the EULA/TOS of the specific game/application. cheatengine.org does not condone the ille www.cheatengine.org 실행 후 상단에 Edit - Settings 들어갑니다 그리고 Scan Settings 탭..
[ RPCS3 ] 따라만 해요 ( 데몬즈 소울 ) 1. 실행기 RPCS3 다운 https://artprodsu6weu.artifacts.visualstudio.com/Ad52971ce-2651-462c-a71a-8019f393a0cf/3598951b-4d39-4fad-ad3b-ff2386a649de/_apis/artifact/cGlwZWxpbmVhcnRpZmFjdDovL25la290ZWtpbmEvcHJvamVjdElkLzM1OTg5NTFiLTRkMzktNGZhZC1hZDNiLWZmMjM4NmE2NDlkZS9idWlsZElkLzI5NTAvYXJ0aWZhY3ROYW1lL1JQQ1MzK2ZvcitXaW5kb3dz0/content?format=zip 실행파일인 rpcs3.exe가 나올려면 압축을 두번 풀어야하네요.. Yes ! ps. 네트워크 기능이 포함된 공..
[ RPCS3 ] 데몬즈소울 멀티가능 ( PSN : RPCN ) https://github.com/RPCS3/rpcs3/pull/8663 Online/Matchmaking support by RipleyTom · Pull Request #8663 · RPCS3/rpcs3 Do not share configs with the current version as the password is stored in the config file, this will be fixed tomorrow! Before going on, I made my best to ensure this PR was safe to use but like e... github.com 아직 정식빌드엔 포함되지 않은 PR이며 이틀 내로 포함될거라 합니다 서론없이 바로 하는 방법에 대해 알아보겠습니다. https..
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