728x90 반응형 SMALL 얼리억세스2 [ Yuzu EA Changelog ] 1891,1892 | 레츠고피카츄,스카이소드HD, [ 1891 ] - PR-6679 Fix Pokemon Let's Go on Vulkan fixes the crash after catching the first Pokemon. it was doing strange stuff with textures coming back outside. ignoring the invalid operation fixes the vulkan crash and doesn't cause any visual glitches 레츠고! 피카츄, 이브이를 불칸 구동시 생기던 문제가 해결됐다고 하네요 이제 안 튕긴답니다 - Project Hades update: cmake: Remove shader cache version shader_environment: Receive cache .. 2021. 7. 20. [ Yuzu ] 바이오하자드( 레지던트이블 ) 0,1 HD | OpenGL vs Vulkan OpenGL Setting ) Vulkan Setting ) 이거 보고 테스트하게됐습니다 라이젠3600 pbo / 16g 3200 oc / rtx2070S 에서 구동해봤습니다 ㅎ Resident Evil 0 HD ) https://youtu.be/4DJ76y-p-H8 https://youtu.be/v7DPLGGjLAg Resident Evil 1 HD ) https://youtu.be/joNzZp8jmNE https://youtu.be/rBwsy5Vc4m8 한줄평 ) Vulkan이 짜세다! 2021. 7. 5. 이전 1 다음 728x90 반응형 LIST